Ewan Murray ARCO DipABRSM

A versatile, experienced musician, motivated by bringing people together

About Ewan

Ewan Murray is a talented musician and educator based in Birmingham. He is known for his versatile skills, bringing enthusiasm and professionalism to church music, accompanying, tuition, and folk music. Ewan studies principally with Daniel Moult and Nicholas Wearne at the Royal Birmingham Conservatoire.

Church Musician


Aged eighteen, Ewan Murray took up his first church position as organist and choirmaster of Christ Church, Great Ayton. Highlights of his time at Christ Church include: preparing a choir concert, occasional choral evensongs, carol services, and helping to deliver music outreach projects.

Towards the end of his first year of study at Royal Birmingham Conservatoire he became involved with the musical offering of St Alphege, Solihull. He was later recognised officially as their senior organ scholar. Here, the choral output was particularly high for a parish church and provided a great opportunity for Ewan to devlop his accompanying and choir leadership skills further.

Recently Ewan began working as organist at St James's, Shirley. He has enjoyed setting up a church choir to sing at the major church festivals and is planning an organ outreach project for local schoolchildren in the near future.

Ewan is happy to accept bookings for ocassional church work, including weddings and funerals. Don't hesitate to get in touch using the contact information below.


Ewan regularly performs as a soloist, giving him a platform to share a more diverse range of repertoire than would be heard within church services.

Choral Accompanying


Ewan began accompanying choirs whilst still at school, firstly with The Middleton Choir, based in Saltburn. Accompanying has become the backbone of his career so far, also working with Oakwood Community Choir in Eaglescliffe, Stockton Synthonia Male Voice Choir and various church choirs.

As a choir accompanist there has been many opportunities to work with soloists. As part of his degree, he has accompanied soloists in Birmingham and in Leipzig during his ERASMUS+ studies.

Exam Accompanist

Ewan is very familiar with graded music exams; having taken, accompanied, and stewarded them many times.

If you would like to book Ewan to accompany an exam, please contact him using the details below.

Private Music Tuiton



Through his work as an organist, Ewan has been delighted to help children find the joy of singing, with all the associated benefits that singing provides.

In February 2024, Ewan held a 'Discover the Organ' event as his BMus final project. During the event participants helped construct a miniature organ, learnt to improvise on the church organ, and were introduced to choral music. The event was a great success and a detailed account is available to Royal College of Organists members here.

Similar events are in the pipeline for the Birmingham area, details will be available soon!

Teaching music is something Ewan finds extremely rewarding. Before moving to study in Birmingham, he had already acheived a diploma in piano teaching (DipABRSM) and was engaged with a number of his own pupils; including preparing them for music exams and music school auditions. Whilst studying at RBC, he has been refining his teaching skills further and gaining high marks in his pedagogy modules.

Ewan is currently accepting new pupils for piano, organ, and music theory. To discuss options with him, please use the contact details below.

Ewan's playing is "very brave and exciting"


Andrew-John Smith: Director of Music at St Peter's, Eaton Square, London

Dame Gillian Weir Messiaen Competition 2024 (prelims.)